Fee rates for online services offered.

I offer both Life Coaching & Therapy sessions and charge the same all inclusive fee regardless of service. There are no hidden charges and no phone calls to pay for.

Sessions are one full hour via messenger service. You may choose from MSN, Yahoo, Googletalk, or Skype.

Standard fee rate

£45 per hour session

£40 per session when booked in a block of 4 / 8 / 12

I want everyone to be able to benefit from the services I offer and so offer a lower rate for those on lower income, or State benefits / Welfare/ Unwaged/ Unemployed. Proof must be emailed of this in order to take advantage of the lower rate fee.

Lower rate fee.

£25 per hour session

£20 per session when booked in a block of 4 / 8 / 12

Payment is by PayPal invoice / Other methods of payment by arrangement via email.

Everyone has the right to success!



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