Belief Systems


Part of being human, of the whole human condition is that we are creatures of habit and of ritual. We have needs not just for food, love, shelter and warmth, but also for spiritual understanding. Add to this a need to feel a part of things not just in a planetary sense, but in a universal sense and you have the need to seek outside of ourselves, a need for belief. The world is vast and just as nations are scattered across its surface, so these people have different viewpoints, ideas and religions, faiths and belief systems. Many great religious leaders have spoken on the subject of all spiritual roads leading toward the same divinity.

It is my belief that all faiths and all religions are each expressing in their own unique beautiful way a love and a deep seated respect for the same Goddess / God / Gods / Goddesses All roads leading to the same destination. So please be aware that here on my website like in my own home I practice total universal tolerance and respect. Just as I expect respect for my own beliefs and opinions, so to do I respect those of others. Respect and appreciate the universal diversity in everything. We are all unique so lets rejoice in the fact. 






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