Distance  Healing Attunements

Below is an article written by my wife Raine Hilton (The Good Vibes Girl) which I feel explains everything perfectly.

How can a distance attunement work?

This is a question I am asked repeatedly, so in an attempt to clarify this I decided to write this article.

I have been an energy healer for many years, hands on (in person) as well as from a distance and have had equally good results from both. This has also been my experience of attunements. All attunements are energy; energy knows no boundaries, no limitations and flows where intention goes. I know that many would argue that you need to be attuned in person, if that is so, how was the very first attunement sent to the originator of that particular system? Directly from spirit of course, some may call it God, Goddess, Jesus, Great Spirit, Universal Energy or any other number of names, it is this very essence that all energy is transferred from one source to another.  Many people are unable to accept such a pure simple explanation and feel the need to complicate it, to make it sound grander and more complex than it truly is, this is only the ego speaking.

A mother instinctively reaches out to sooth and calm a hurt child, a mother also knows at that same deep instinctive level when her child is hurt and they are miles apart. The bodies we inhabit, the physical shells we choose to put up around ourselves in which to dwell  may separate us from one another in this realm, but do not exist on a spiritual level. We are all connected, we are all one and it is in this oneness that we tap into when we send healing or distance attunements.

Once someone has been attuned to a particular system they are then able to pass this onto others. I see these attunements as different ‘flavoured’ streams of Universal Energy. They all vibrate at a different frequency and once ‘tuned’ into that frequency we can then work with that particular stream of energy.

If we were to imagine the source of Universal Energy as a huge radio station and within that were housed all the individual stations. We acting as radios are capable of receiving a whole range of different frequencies, but only when we are tuned into the particular one we want and are locked in do we have access to it. We don’t need to live next door to the radio station to hear the music; it is capable of travelling vast distances to reach our ears. This is the very same principle behind sending energy from one source to another.

Accessing attunements is very similar to downloading a software program from the internet. To do this you need to have a computer, internet access, and the relevant website to be able to download this particular software program. When it comes to attunements first you need to prepare yourself, be in a receptive frame of mind, then you need to find someone who is already attuned to that particular stream of energy and is willing to pass it on to you.

I have worked online for many years, hosting live web chats where healing was passed on and spiritual development was taught. In the time we spent together we were as open and receptive to each other as if we were sat in the same room. It didn’t matter if the other person were living a few streets away or was living at the other side of the world the close bond we shared was just as powerful.

The energy that I pass on does not come from me but through me from the Universal source. It doesn’t know the difference between flowing a few inches from my hands or a few thousand miles. In my experience I have found distance attunements to be more powerful than hands on. From the feedback from my students we have come to the conclusion that this may be because;

When you are in your own surroundings you are naturally more relaxed, there is no pressure to ‘perform’ or to act in a certain way in front of the Master.

As there is no such thing as time in a spiritual sense, in the physical world even though the attunement has been sent the recipient may continue to experience it for a period of time afterwards. This is often the time that a guide may step forward or the student may be taken on a journey. There is nothing worse than to be in the middle of an amazing experience for some to say ‘right your time is up now’. 

You are able to journal your experiences straight away and are free to express yourself in any way you wish. You may have the urge to sing or dance, to go for a walk in nature, you may feel inspired to write or design something to mark the moment. Or you may just wish for time by yourself for quiet contemplation.

These things may all be hampered if you have to come down to the real world with a bump and are already thinking about your journey home, the shopping, work, your partner or children. The spell has already been broken.

Not everyone lives in an area where they have easy access to a Master of a particular system. They may also live in places where their community or social group doesn’t support, understand or tolerate this type of thing. Others may be housebound either due to family commitments or health issues or may simply be unable to spare the time or money for lengthy travel or hotel costs.

By offering attunements by distance the Master also doesn’t have to travel which cuts down on time and costs all round so everyone benefits. It is important that if you are to consider distance attunements that you are able to have access to your Master as often as you wish. As a student you should never feel alone in what you are doing or feel helpless because you don’t understand a particular part of it. I am available to my students 6 days a week; I always aim to responds as quickly as possible and am available after they qualify for as long as they wish. When looking for a Master yourself, you must keep this in mind, it is too easy to part with money only to realise that once you have your manual you are on your own

FREE Bonus Attunement with EVERY Attunement Purchased*

With every attunement purchased 1 FREE self attunement will be included that is appropriate and harmonious  to the chosen system.

How To Pay

If you would like to be attuned to any of the following systems please click any of the links below for more information, or email me philiprhilton@hotmail.co.uk  

If you wish to pay by card instead of PayPal please click HERE and scroll through until you find the one you would like.

You can of course email me and request a PayPal invoice and pay that way too


Reiki Systems


Other Healing Attunement Systems and & Empowerments

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing System

Animal Empowerments

Animal Path Healing

Aquamarine Dolphin Reiki

Cerridwen Empowerment

Egyptian Cartouche Healing System

Elven Shamanic Healing Course

Enchanted Fairy Goddess Healing System

Eye of Horus Activation

Faery King Oberon Empowerment

Faery Queen Mab Empowerment

Fairies of the Sea Empowerment

Isis Blue Moon Attunement


Avalonian Energy Systems

Please click HERE

The Crown of Success – The Energies of Avalon

Isle of Avalon Empowerment

Excalibur Reiki

 Lady of the Lake Empowerment

Merlin (Taliesin) Empowerment 

King Arthur Empowerment

Cerridwen Avalon Empowerment

Camelot Avalon Empowerment

Holy Grail Avalon Empowerment

Knights of the Round Table Avalon Empowerment

Morgaine/Morgan le Fey Avalon Empowerment


Celtic Goddess Empowerment Systems

Please click HERE

Cerridwen Empowerment  

Danu Empowerment

Marian Empowerment

Arianrhod Empowerment

Blodeuwedd Empowerment

Branwen Empowerment

Cailleach Empowerment

Epona Empowerment

Morgaine Empowerment

Morrigan Empowerment

Brigit/Brighid Empowerment


Egyptian Healing Systems

Egyptian Healing Package 1

Please click HERE

 Neteru Healing System

Seichim Reiki

Egyptian Cartouche Healing System

Ra-Sheeba Attunement

Eye of Horus Activation

Yod Initiation

Pyramid Empowerment

Isis Blue Moon Attunement


Egyptian Goddess Healing Package 2

Please click HERE

Goddess Bast

Goddess Hathor

Goddess Isis

Goddess Love of Isis

Goddess Nephthys

Goddess Nut

Goddess Sekhmet


Faery Lightworker Healing Systems

Please click HERE

Faery Queen Mab Empowerment

Faery King Oberon Empowerment

Fairy Lightworker Program (Reiki)

Elven Shamanic Healing Course

Enchanted Fairy Goddess Healing System

Merfolk Reiki


Shamanic Healing Systems

Please click HERE

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing

Rainforest Reiki

Totem Reiki

Animal Empowerments

Animal Path Healing

One Spirit Master/Teacher

Aquamarine Dolphin

Bear Reiki

Tiger Reiki


Usui Reiki Healing System

All levels are available separately as well as a package.

Please click HERE

Usui Reiki Level 1

Usui Reiki Level 2

Usui Reiki Level 3 Master/Teacher




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